Paintshaver Pro-The Complete H-Class Paint Removal Package
Get a Paintshaver Pro, Duravac PRO32HS Vacuum and a Rupes BR109AES 9mm Random Orbital Sander package, and you are ready to tackle any lead paint removal job.
The DURAVAC PRO32HS is an innovative vacuum dust extractor designed to work together with power tools making it an ideal pairing for use with the Paintshaver Pro when potentially hazardous dust is present..
With the H-Class certification the vacuum cleaner filters catch 99.9% of dust (under 2 microns), designed for use where hazardous dusts need to be safely extracted while providing maximum protection and performance.
To clean the filter you just need to push a button and it will be ready to use. It is also equipped with a multi-stage filtration system consisting of a microfibre bag and a High Efficiency HEPA H14 cartridge - thanks to the bag you avoid clogging the cartridge.
NB* To remain H class this vacuum must always be used with a vacuum bag.
The Rupes sander has a 9mm orbit - compare that with most other sanders only having a 5 or 6mm orbit. With twice the work rate of other sanders, this is definitely Matts preferred sander for using after the Paintshaver.
This is a plug in and go package ready to take on the toughest of paint stripping jobs.
The package includes:
Bonus Items:
1 X Set of Tungsten Paintshaver Blades
5 X H Class Vacuum bags
5 x Microfibre Vaccum Bags (For non hazardous work)
1 x 50 Packs Sanding Discs - 40gt
1 x 50 Packs Sanding Discs - 80gt
1 x Mirka Pad Saver
All Prices Include GST