Paintshaver Pro / Rupes BR109AES Random Orbital Sander Package
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Professional painting contractor who already has a vacuum then all you need to effectively start tackling those big paint stripping jobs is the Contractors Pack! Get a Paintshaver Pro and a Rupes BR109 Random Orbital Sander package and you are ready to tackle any paint removal job.
The BR109AES sander has a massive 9mm orbit (most orbital sanders have a 5mm) so does almost double the work in half the time and all the while connected to your vacuum system to collect the dust as you sand.
The package includes:
1 x Set of Tungsten Paintshaver Blades
1 x 50 Packs Sanding Discs - 40gt
1 x 50 Packs Sanding Discs - 80gt
1 x Mirka Pad Protector